Tuesday, April 30, 2019

Famous Whisteblowers

Daniel Ellsberg, former United States military analyst, snitched on U.S. Government misconduct in the Vietnam War by leaking the “Pentagon Papers.” The Pentagon Papers revealed that, early on, the government had knowledge that the war as then resourced could most likely not be won.

Chelsea Manning The former intelligence analyst was convicted of espionage after admitting to illegally sending thousands of classified documents to WikiLeaks. She received a 35-year prison sentence in 2013. 

Julian Assange is a famous whistleblower who has revealed politically uncomfortable truths about the way governments and military operate, but whose critics say has endangered lives and used subversive and even criminal tactics.

"The individual responsible for one of the most significant leaks in US political history is Edward Snowden, a 29-year-old former technical assistant for the CIA and current employee of the defence contractor Booz Allen Hamilton. Snowden has been working at the National Security Agency for the last four years as an employee of various outside contractors, including Booz Allen and Dell."

The free Flow of information goes from the government having secrets, to whistleblowing, to the 3rd party publisher, to finally the public. 

The news in media today is filled with propaganda and false leads that make viewers believe false information so we are not well educated on the certain issues going on in the world. 



Tuesday, April 23, 2019


During the classes EOTO presentations I found group 3 interesting because it was all about different theories in media. I found gatekeeping particularly interesting.

Gatekeeping is when the media filters a news story for publication, the internet, or some other form of  communication. A gatekeeper is someone who controls access to someone or something. For example a secretary is a gatekeeper for the president because she controls who and when they get to see him.

Media filters information for many reasons. They like to get the stories out that will get attention from many people and will want people to subscribe to their website. They filter what information gets out so they can provide the best story possible and put out what will give the biggest reaction to the audience.

Gatekeeping can be a good thing because you can filter false information from getting out in the media, but it can also be a bad thing because you can filter a story to sound more dramatic or give false information to get a better reaction out of people.

A reporter receives many stories in a day, but they can decide what stories to put out and what stories will get the best response from the viewers.

Monday, April 15, 2019

Ted Talks

In these several Ted talks there are many issues dealing with how our private lives on social media and private conversations can become public knowledge. The fact is that we need to be careful what we post and talk about because people can tap into our phones at all times. The government watches what we do and now criminals and foreigners might even be able to see what we say.

One of the videos talks about how what we post on social media is like a tattoo, it is permanent and once you post something you can't take it back. We need to be aware of every social media site we sign up for and what the terms and agreements say. Usually there is something written in fine print saying what exactly we are signing up for. People are able to look us up and find out a lot about us because our accounts aren't really private.

Now, people are concerned that people can wire tap into our information and accounts and steal our identities and find out personal information on us that can ultimately put us in danger. We need to do research and find secure websites and apps where we know are safe and people can't hack into them. We need to find actual privacy so that everything we do and say can't be found and used against us.

Social media and technology are great and should continued to be used, however we need to be more aware of what we are signing up for. We should be able to feel safe on social media and when using our iPhones and we need to bring more awareness to the flaws in media. We need to make technology a more safe and private place where people can enjoy going on.


Tuesday, April 9, 2019



  • A whistleblower is someone who purposely exposes information or activity that is considered illegal or not right within a public or private organization
  • Internal whistleblowing – “Internal whistleblowing is, as one might expect from its name, the act of reporting misconduct to someone else within the same organization”
  • External whistleblowing – “External whistleblowing, on the other hand, is the reporting of misconduct to someone outside of the organization, such as to law enforcement and/or the media”
  • There is a Whistleblower Protection Act that protects federal employees from retaliation from the government
  • One example is, during the Watergate tapes the infamous Mark Felt gave information to the press to exploit the story to Washington Post.
  • Another example is, Daniel Ellsberg who was an employee of the state department in 1971 leaked the Pentagon Papers. These papers contained a secret document referring to how the U.S. came to fight the Vietnam War.
  • Famous Whistleblowers today include, Chelsea Manning, Edward Snowden, and Julian Assange
  • Many people can find whistleblowers helpful, but most face many federal conseqeunces

Tuesday, April 2, 2019

My Online Presence

I would like to say I leave a pretty big online footprint. I love social media and use it a good amount of time during the day. You can find me on Instagram, Snapchat, Twitter, Tumblr, Facebook, Wix, and Blogger. My most used social media sites are Snapchat and Instagram. I don't have a personal website dedicated to me, but one day I hope to. You can find a little bit about me throughout my blogs and my Facebook.

Throughout my social media I constantly post pictures and updates on my life and what is going on around me. I like to keep my close friends and family up to date on whats going on in my life especially since I'm far from home in college. I don't normally post links on my websites to certain things except on my blog I do. Most of my social media accounts are private except for my Instagram and blogging websites. I think to remain mostly private because people can search my name and find out personal things about me. I have googled my name before and pictures of me have come up from Twitter and Instagram. People can find out my location of where I am from Instagram and find out who my friends are and where we hangout.

I have given out my phone number and email address to almost all of the social media sites I'm on. Most social media sites, when you sign up, require you to give a phone number or email address. I am hesitant to give out my information, however I do trust the social media sites to protect my information. Most social media sites that I have given my email or phone number to are: Instagram, Snapchat, Twitter, Facebook, Tumblr , Wix, and Blogger.

I think social media can make people isolated and and depressed. I think it's not the intention to make people feel depressed using social media, I think its the way you choose to look at it and use it. You make yourself feel a certain way, social media does not make you feel that way. Some people may see pictures of their friends or celebrities having more fun or money than them. Also, people can compare themselves to others and compare their weight to others, which can lead to unhealthy outcomes. You need to be in the right mindset to use social media and know that you are happy with who you are.

Tuesday, March 26, 2019


With no doubt, Instagram has become the most popular used app. Instagram has 1 billion active followers, but people ask the question why is it so popular?

Instagram first launched in 2010 and since then it has grown rapidly since then. Instagram has become a way to connect with people from all around the world and show moments in your life to your friends. Instagram is a huge social media platform that you can post different pictures where viewers can like and comment on. Billions of people use Instagram today and there are simply explanations as to why the app is so popular.

This is why Instagram is so popular
1. The app is easy to use- Many people like to use their smartphones to access the internet instead of using a laptop. Instagram is made specially to use on your smartphone so people love it and the app is so easy to use and everything is laid out for you so its easy to post. The app isn't hard to manipulate and hardly crashes, so thats one reason people love it.

2. Instagram is a visual app- Many people like to see things rather than read them and Instagram does just that. As soon as people log on, they can see what people are up to and there is even a popular page that shows pictures or videos that, based on your feed, you may like. Captions are also cut off after a certain word count so the picture is the main attraction. Visual merchandising has been taking off in recent years and Instagram is to thank.

3. Instagram is user friendly- Instagram is a safe and friendly app that lets you connect with the people you WANT to. Instagram allows you to have a private account so you can filter who does and doesn't follow you. It also allows you to be public and let anyone follow you and this is especially good for promoting products or advertising your company. It is easy to block certain people if you don't like them following you and report a picture if it is innapropriate. Instagram makes sure you are safe and your personal information is not displayed. If you dont want someone viewing your story you can make that happen too. So many people enjoy Instagram because it is a safe and fun way to connect with people from all over.

Even though Instagram has had a positive effect on social media, there have been so downsides to the app.

Instagram has been a main source of bullying and trolling over the past years. Many people have commented rude things on peoples post which have led to horrific acts. Also, people have been known to stalk others peoples accounts and try and find out personal information about them or created fake accounts acting like someone else to follow someone and comment rude things. Instagram has tried to come up with ways to prevent that, like being able to flag posts and delete comments, and even being able to block the person. Many people spend too much time on Instagram and want them to have the "perfect" picture and get too caught up in looking good. Despite the downsides, Instagram has tremendously changed social media for the better.

Instagram is a great social media app that has had great benefits for keeping you in touch with friends and being able to share memories with your followers. It has made the visual merchandising industry grow and created a safe and efficient way to navigate through the app. I highly recommend everyone having an Instagram, even if you don't want to post, just so you can keep in touch with what's going on around you.


Tuesday, March 19, 2019

Eight Values of Free Expression

Today in class we learned about the eight different forms of free expression. Our favorite form of free expression is Discovery of Truth. Discovery of Truth is the value was first suggested by Milton, who first suggested that when truth and falsehood are allowed to freely grapple, truth will win out. This means that you shouldn't have to have a license to print or publish anything. People should be able to state their opinions without judgement. This expression supports the six clauses of the First Amendment because it protects peoples rights to say whatever they want. 

Social Media today is considered a big "marketplace of ideas" because they post what they want on different issues going on in the world. This is a way of free expression and people can learn from each other by expressing their opinions and ideas. By learning from one another we can express our ideas without judgement. Religion is also considered an expression of ideas and goes with the concept of marketplace of ideas because we can have multiple religions without sticking to just one so we can have an expression of them all.

Discovery of Truth is a way where everyone is allowed to express their opinion without criticizing others. We can learn to accept each other and their ideas and beliefs. Social media is a great example of showing each other our stands on certain important issues. The six clauses of the First Amendment are supported by this free expression clause. We are able to express our speech and religion under protection without needing a license. 
